Friday, May 05, 2006

A long week

Man, this has been a long week. I'm thigh deep in preparations for my short film, which I am now starring in, as well as directing. I've been pounding the pavement for a cinematographer and sound mixer, but as yet, people have been slow to respond. I know this isn't a big-budget production, or even a feature, but man, it's about the work! I'm trying to give cats a chance to be a part of something and it's like nobody's trying to feel me. Like the audition last Saturday, I was supposed to have 15 black men show up for the lead part of Shawn. Only two came. They were both decent actors but they just weren't what I was looking for.

I'm not Shawn on the surface, but I know him. I have willed myself into greatness before.

My locations are coming into place slowly but surely. Thankfully, three scenes will be shot in dressed up sections of my home and a couple others (hopefully) within the gates of my guarded community. Go Inglewood!

Consequently, Game 5 of the Nuggets and Clippers will have to be my last. I just don't have the time or money right now. Besides, the bigger papers were starting to move in and it was beginning to look like the Scoop was going to get the short end of the stick. (I don't even have time to go into the ups and downs I went through trying to lace you with these pictures.) But I'd like to thank the Clippers organization for the opportunity. Game 5 was John Blaze, the Clippers were pretty much in control th whole time, and I got to holla at David Aldridge (very humble cat) and Adam Morrison (remember when I talked about him a few months ago, scroll down to the bottom of the page if not).

Not to mention, I've got increased responsibilities at the day job. This is all going to be a tough juggle for the next month. The good news is, my film is cast. There is no bad news... just obstacles to be overcome. Meanwhile, go sniff around on IMDB sometime. You may be surprised at what you find.

I guess that's it for now. LeBron is erasing the doubters. But we all know it's still all about my Pistons. Word. Posted by Picasa

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