Monday, July 09, 2007

More than meets the eye

Wow. Just came from seeing Transformers and, wow. What was the last summer movie that actually lived up to expectations for me? Spider-Man, probably. But it's been awhile. The buzz on this one was deafening and reinforced that it was something that I really needed to see. Let me tell you, it didn't disappoint. The special effects, the story line, the acting, etc. There were some weird plot things that didn't quite make sense, that, in any other movie would've been insufferable. But the action is so hype and the robots are so menacing/look so real, many obvious sins are forgiven. Michael Bay redeems himself.

Side note: I'm sitting there watching the film thinking, is Megan Fox just a white Meagan Good?

I guess we should ask Tyrese, since he's now acted in movies alongside both of them. Anyway, go see the movie.

What have I been doing? I saw several movies at the Los Angeles Film Festival. The one I liked the most is called Rocket Science and if you're into quirky stuff like the kinds of movies Wes Anderson makes, you're going to love it. It's about this nerdy cat in Jersey who goes out for the debating team. Problem is, he stutters. That's the logline, but there's so much else going on this film, you absolutely have to see it. It's hysterical, but also a very grounded, honest movie.

Oh yeah, and during the LA Film Fest also sat in on a free interview that Elvis Mitchell did with this guy...

It takes awhile to get Pharrell to open up, but once he did, he told hilarious stories about battles with record labels, what movies inspired him, and how he's not nearly as technologically savvy as his music might lead you to think. All in all, it was an honor be near someone whose music I admire so much. I have most of the interview on tape on my camcorder, but I seem to have misplaced the wire that would allow me to connect it to my computer.

Otherwise, just finished up my rewrite of Chapter 2 of Somewhere Between Here and There. My professor was very impressed by my rewrite of the first chapter, so hopefully, I'm on the right track to getting published.

Yesterday was interesting. Not only did I shoot another short, one that I think will be funny. My co-star this time was this person...

Francois Truffaut once said something to the effect that, "You're not really a director until you direct children." Well, I earned my stripes on this one. Perhaps I shouldn't say that. I still have to edit it, which I hope to finish this week. Basically, he plays a toddler sports reporter who insults my character -- a basketball star -- and then we fight, a fight that he easily wins. You'll see. It'll be up on YouTube and MySpace and all the usual places this time. And Shawn Parker will be hitting the 'net soon in some other places. I promise.

In the middle of making the film, we were at the house all day watching Live Earth. I'm always happy to feel like I'm a part of something bigger than myself and watching it certainly made me feel this way. There were quite a few highlights, and here's one of them. People who know me know I heart my fellow Aquarian, Alicia Keys.

As well as John Legend and Corinne Bailey Rae.

Apparently I missed Duran Duran (sob) and Ludacris, but hey, I can only do so much, right?

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